Happy New Year everyone! 2011 marked a great year for Be EGOlogical as it started to change people’s environmental awareness and impact readers from 41 different countries around the world to date! I am extremely thankful for the support from my readers and I am excited to share more EGOlogical tips for 2012.
A new year often calls for new beginnings or more often resolutions/goals we hope to attain throughout the year. Popular New Year's resolutions may include to eat healthier or to spend less money, however it is common for people to lose track of the goal and go back to previous habits. There is another New Year's resolution that most people forget about and if implemented into the things they do everyday, they will succeed. Therefore, your 2012 New Year's resolution can be to reduce your environmental impact. Whether that is to recycle more (or start recycling), print on both sides of the paper, or use a reusable water bottle, there are many ways to help the environment. For some, this may not be easy because typical New Year's resolutions are for personal gain and improvement and let’s face it, helping the environment has “nothing in it for them.” However, they are wrong! By helping the environment, there are many opportunities for a person to learn new ways to appreciate, preserve, and conserve Earth’s natural resources for current and future use as well as save money at the same time.
Be EGOlogical provides many tips for help people accomplish their New Year's resolution and there are many more to come. All it takes is that first step for habits to develop and change to begin. Just remember that every act adds up and you are making a difference. I wish you all the best of luck and may you have a happy, healthy, and EGOlogical New Year!