Have you ever wondered how
much energy the world would save if everyone shut off their lights for just one
hour? Well, as a matter of fact, this
phenomenon is attempted throughout the world one day a year, for just one
hour. Earth Hour is an international
event where millions of people around the world show their support for climate
change action by turning off their lights for one hour. Started in 2007 by WWF Australia, people from
over 135 countries pledge to participate in Earth Hour in a community or
individual setting. From 8:30 to 9:30
pm, it is a message made and a sight to be seen that each of our actions add up
to one big change.
Set your alarms for 8:30 pm
tonight (Saturday, March 31st) and turn off your lights for one hour! Here in Las Vegas, the Las Vegas
Strip and “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign will be shutting off its casino lights during
Earth Hour. Your local city and
businesses may be participating as well.
Happy World Water Day 2012! United Nations put aside this international day to celebrate freshwater and to focus our attention on the importance of freshwater and advocate for sustainable management of freshwater resources. Each year, the UN chooses a focus for World Water Day and 2012’s focus is about water and food security. The importance of your water footprint due to water, food, and clothing production are highlighted by providing the problems and mitigation strategies. Everyday, water is used and polluted to produce the items we consume at an alarming rate. Visit www.unwater.org/worldwaterday to find out more information about World Water Day. On their website are activities and tools that will also help explain the importance of water conservation.
One Be EGOlogical tip previously highlighted about your water footprint is to stop drinking bottled water and drink tap water. Bottled water is literally bottled tap water and companies around the world are drying up natural sources and selling you “clean, pure, tasty, and healthy” water. Bottled water also has many negative impacts due to the production, transportation, and disposal of plastic bottles. The video, The Story of Bottled Water, explains the reasons why bottled water is not good for our health or the environment:
If you want to watch a more detailed documentary about the negative impacts of the bottled water industry, I suggest you watch the documentary, Tapped. (Don't forget the Be EGOlogical tip, Don't Buy, but RENT DVD's). You can watch it on Hulu for free or if you have Netflix it is also on there. Below is the trailer for Tapped:
Another Be EGOlogical tip to reduce your water footprint is to participate in Meat Free Monday. Going vegetarian would be ideal, however for those of us who are not quite ready for this step, giving up meat once a week is definitely a feasible goal. It takes HUGE amounts of water to produce the grain/plants that are used to feed animals, so why not skip the cow and just eat the plants?
Next time you are shopping, try to be aware that whenever you buy an item you are voting. Be conscience of your purchases, because you may be supporting things that are not good for the environment. Spread awareness and take action by doing the little things that all add up to one big change.
As we hang up our turtlenecks and coats and say goodbye to Winter, we are giving a warm welcome to Spring’s sunlight and warm temperatures! Increased temperatures send out personal invitations for humans and other species to interact in the warm and friendly outdoors.This increase in heat energy also allows us to utilize the natural energy source for a variety of uses.This EGOlogical tip encourages you to say NO to your electric/gas powered dryer and begin drying your clothes in the sun.
Saying NO to a dryer will reduce the amount of pollution emitted when creating the energy and it will also reduce your gas and electric bills.If you have access to a backyard, set up a clothing line outside to hang up your clothes.If you don’t have access to a backyard, get creative and find places around your home to hang your clothes to dry, such as the shower, balcony, or chairs. By not throwing your clothes in the dryer will also prolong the life of your clothes since they won’t be tossed around in an electric monster.This will prevent you from having to purchase more clothes in the future.You may notice your clothes may not have that fluffy teddy bear soft feeling once hung up and dried, but I guarantee your swag will be perfectly okay and you’ll still be looking freaky fresh.
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! In celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday and to kick off Read Across America Day, Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax has hit movie theaters across the country! The Lorax is a children’s book written by Dr. Seuss in 1971. It portrays the story of the negative effects of environmental degradation in the land of the trufulla trees. A mythical creature named, the Lorax, speaks for the trees against the Once-ler’s selfish actions on the environment. The story sends a powerful message to its readers acknowledging the idea that it is ultimately up to us to save the Earth by fixing environmental damage and preventing further harm. The animated movie version hits theaters TODAY!
Here is The Lorax movie trailer:
Just a little forewarning, there may be some news in the media questioning Universal Studio’s decision to partner with various companies that aren't necessarily the most committed to the environment. For example, the movie has partnered with Mazda to promote a new gasoline powered crossover SUV by bringing a guy in a Lorax suit to schools and donating $1,000 to 21 different schools in 20 cities and an additional $25 for every kid that convince their parent to take a Mazda test drive. Now, doesn’t this just makes you stop and question Universal’s motives? First off, bringing marketing to schools can be controversial and also partnering with Mazda still promotes unnecessary consumption. However, if you look at this from another angle, environmental education is the key to saving the environment. From this program, thousands of kids that did not have any previous environmental education will now leave school with a message to change their own habits and maybe even pass them to their family and friends.
I commend Dr. Seuss’ efforts to spread environmental awareness and to Universal Studies for continuing to spread Dr. Seuss’ message. If you visit the movie website: www.theloraxmovie.com/, you can find out more information such as “Go Green” tips or environmental education games. You can also check out The Lorax Project to learn more about forests in danger just like the Trufulla Tree forest and more tips on what you can do the help the environment. It is up to us to make the decision to think twice about our actions and realize that every small act towards the environment adds up. Like the Once-ler says in The Lorax, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”