When you spill water on the counter or when you want to wipe your dishes after washing them, you most likely grab a paper towel to dry it up. And when you run out, it’s a pain to have to buy more. Therefore, try replacing paper towel usage with normal hand towels. When you’re not using the dishwasher, hand wash your dishes and dry them off with a towel. Or if you wash your hands in the kitchen, dry them off with a towel. And if you spill water, juice, or milk on the counter, wipe it off with a towel. Paper towel consumption uses many resources that could be saved and it takes a lot of energy and creates a considerable amount pollution to produce the product. It also costs money for you to buy paper towels on a frequent basis. Therefore, try to reuse hand towels. However, keep in mind that for health and safety precautions, make sure you wash your towels on a frequent basis. Simply throw them in your laundry load for the week and they will be as good as new!
On the same note, you can reuse old clothing by cutting them up and using them as rags. Some things that can't be donated, like a lone sock or a stained t-shirt, make perfect rags for dusting. It's a good way to avoid using paper towels and find a use for something that would have been thrown away anyway.