Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Alternative Method to Heat Your Home

During the winter months, heating systems or fireplaces in your home can be costly to run and maintain.  It is difficult to avoid using these systems, so the key is to reduce the amount you use them.  There are a few ways to go about doing so, including lowering your thermostat at least 2 degrees (you can lower it more if you would like to), putting on a few extra layers of clothing or a blanket while at home, and making sure you turn off your heating systems when you are not home. 

Another method you can use to add a little extra heat to your home is to leave your oven open AFTER you used it for cooking or baking.  (If you open it constantly while the oven is in use, you will lose about 25% of the heat inside.  This makes the oven use more energy to make up for the heat lost when it was opened). The heat now warming your home won’t last forever, but you are utilizing the heat that would have otherwise been trapped in the oven.  This could prevent one extra log from entering the fireplace or cause your thermostat to turn off for a bit since it is already warm enough in your home.  Therefore, the amount of energy and resources, such as wood, coal, and natural gas, are reduced and you will also be saving some extra money.

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