Saturday, January 7, 2012

How To (EGOlogically) Unclog A Drain

When your sink is clogged, the most common solution to clear it up that people turn to is to pour some expensive toxic chemicals down the drain!  Having a clogged sink is a hassle, however pouring chemicals is not the only option.  Next time you have a clogged drain, simply pour some baking soda and vinegar down the drain.  Let that sit for a few minutes, then pour boiling water down the drain and use the plunger to add some extra power and push all the gunk out.  This method will prevent toxic chemicals from entering the sewage, reduce sewage treatment costs, and prevent the chemicals from entering larger bodies of water that could impact aquatic life.  Using the baking soda and vinegar technique will cost only a fraction of the price of buying chemicals to fix a clogged drain.  Who knew simple kitchen ingredients would save the environment and a little extra money in your wallet?

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